How to Push Beyond a Workout Plateau

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Q Hey Scott, I am working out several days a week, but my progress has stalled. How can I get my body to continue progressing toward my goals?

A Great question. Many people hit plateaus, whether when they are trying to lose weight or while working on strength gains. Follow these steps to get back your gains:

Challenge Yourself Fitness is not easy. It takes hard work to make achievements. You must constantly challenge your body in order to see change. Show up early to warm up, work as hard as you can, go a bit heavier or harder each time, and get a proper stretch afterward.

Get Proper Nutrition I have written over and over about the benefit of eating the right foods. You must get plenty of natural, healthy foods in order to make positive changes to your body: Plenty of protein for muscle; healthy, natural carbs for fuel; fats for your brain and body; and ample water so you stay well hydrated.

Get Plenty of Rest This is absolutely necessary when trying to lose weight or gain muscle. If you’re sleep deprived, your body will not respond the same as if you are well rested, and you could see yourself moving in the wrong direction quickly. The good news: Regular exercise actually enhances your ability to sleep well.

See a Fitness Pro I know you have heard this from me before, but there are many people just like me who have dedicated their lives to helping our communities become fit and healthy. We go to seminars and fitness conferences to find ways to better help our members achieve their goals. The trainers at SkinSport coach me every day— it forces me to show up and helps me stay on form and push harder. I’m proud that everyone who works at SkinSport as a trainer also works out here regularly.

If you need more help breaking that plateau, feel free contact me or stop by the gym. We would be happy to help you out.

This article was written by the sponsor.


This article was written by the sponsor.

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