DVUSD Sets New School Boundaries
The Deer Valley Unified School District Board voted to finalize new boundary changes to balance enrollment in the northern portion of the district beginning with the 2020-21 school year, when its newest school in Union Park at Norterra is scheduled to open.
At its Jan. 14 meeting, the board unanimously approved the boundary changes that were presented to the community in December. [See map below.]
At the elementary level, the changes affect Canyon Springs, New River, Desert Mountain, Sonoran Foothills, Norterra Canyon and Esperanza schools. Boulder Creek and Barry Goldwater High schools will have boundaries altered slightly in future growth areas where no students currently reside, to conform to the new elementary boundaries. Sandra Day O’Connor’s attendance area is decreased on the western portion of its boundary.
Current 7th-grade students at affected schools will be allowed to complete 8th grade at the same school for the 2020-21 school year with bus service provided, as part of DVUSD’s plan.
See our previous story for more on what was behind the new boundaries.