5 Serious Stress Hacks
Life is tough, and I don’t like it. There’s just too much coming at us from all directions and sometimes a break is warranted. Of course, stress is a very strong anti-motivational aspect, when you do not want to do anything and because of a difficult psychological state, everything seems incredibly difficult, but remember: you should give yourself a rest. Do not run away from stress, but you should minimize any emotional costs, for example, you can find cheap ghostwriters for hire and let them do some work for you. This way, you will be able to share your work and devote more time to yourself. You may know these tricks up my sleeve for taking a harmless break from the idiocracy we live in, but maybe you’re too knotted up to remember.
1 Brain Yoga Tilt your head back as far as you can and smile as wide as possible (don’t attempt while driving). Do this for 30 seconds and the endorphins will kick in and your mood will pick up immediately. Perform this in a room full of people and elevate their mood as well.
2 Move a Muscle, Change a Thought Sometimes it’s just as simple as getting up and taking a walk to get out of whatever slump you’re in (bonus: science actually says walking is great for the heart and mind). If you find yourself in a really nasty mood, I suggest bringing a road map or GPS device.
3 Get a Pet Whether it’s a dog, a gerbil or a guppy, just looking into those adoring eyes will give you a sense that the world is going to be all right. The shelters are overflowing with wonderful companions, just waiting to return your love ten-fold. OK, maybe not a guppy.
4 Kill Your TV Beat it to death with your smartphone, and bury it wrapped in your newspaper! If you go looking for trouble, you’ll find it in the press (present company excluded, of course). Things haven’t gotten worse, there are just more “experts” to tell you about it.
5 Seek Some Humor Consider this: American Standard, one of the largest manufacturers of toilets in the world, is headquartered in Piscataway, NJ. Just slow down and think about that for a few seconds. If you’re not at least chuckling, have someone check your pulse. (And yes, science really does say laughter is good medicine.)
Of course these are just a few ideas, and I don’t claim to have invented them. I’m just spreading them around to help jog your memory. The mood you’re in affects everyone around you, so the happier you are, the less chance you’ll go and screw up my day.